IT Strategy

To make effective management decisions, it is necessary to understand the the state of business and Information Technology (IT), set clear objectives as well as evaluate realistically the need for, and timeliness of, the application of certain technologies. IT development strategy is a tool to reach understanding between business and IT.

Project-centric Approach

The strategy of the IT development is designed based on the business analysis, current IT state, and examination. IT development strategy consists of the following sections:

  • Analysis of business activities and current IT state
  • Target IT architecture
  • Approaches to the IT integration, development, and outsourcing
  • IT role and organization of services
  • Target portfolio of IT projects
  • Value of the Long-term IT Planning

Based on the analysis of activities and understanding of business objectives:

  • Automation scope is identified and substantiated
  • Automation priorities and sequences are defined

Based on the analysis of the current IT state and understanding of the advanced automation scope:

  • Reasonable target state of the application systems and IT infrastructure is defined
  • Reasonable and realistic IT projects are identified

Based on the IT target state, automation priorities and sequence, analysis of IT projects:

  • Automation budget (itemized for the coming year and consolidated for the next 2-5 years) is defined
  • Mutual understanding between business and IT is achieved, and informatization program for the coming year is prepared.